Therapy and Life Writing for Older Women
Jennifer Westrom specializes in the psychological and spiritual development of older women. She hosts an annual life writing conference (now all online), provides private online psychotherapy, and writes a popular daily mediation for older women. Use the links below to learn more:
Weekly Groups for Older Women Facilitating OMM 365 Groups
Open to Everyone
$100 a month
Six Week Online Course with Jennifer Westrom
each course is limited to 6 (six) women
Spring 2024
$899 Facilitated
$99 Self Paced
45 Minute Therapy/Coaching
Flexible fee selected by client
(usually $100-200 per session)
Flexible fee $0-20 per session.

Testimonials for Jennifer’s Courses:
I highly recommend Jennifer Westrom’s therapeutic writing class “Find Your Story Through Therapeutic Writing.” The LifeWriting Guide she wrote that accompanies the class safely prepares you for each step along the way. Jennifer is a strong leader in a soft way, highly intuitive, and an outstanding teacher. Class three is next week, and already I feel that I have released some blocks that were preventing me from moving forward in my writing. Her lessons have touched me deeply. – Cherri
Working with Jennifer in the Finding Your Story class inspired me to follow the path I started earlier. Her weekly prompts guided me through some tricky places, giving me focus I lacked as well as the inspiration to continue. Now I write each day, using her notes and gentle guidance. A very well-done class! – Lucy
I found Jennifer’s feedback to be extremely valuable. She is intuitive, supportive, and enthusiastic. She’s brought a fresh perspective to my vision of writing the story. She understands the craft of writing, but for the majority of the class time she stays focused on helping us dig out the emotions that led us to want to write the story – and then propels us to write it! – Nancy
This course was extremely interactive and rewarding… Jennifer has amazing insight into women’s challenges in the latter decades of one’s life. Definitely a marvelous opportunity to write and consider, consider and rewrite! —Joan
I find this so inspiring and rewarding, having me writing more in a day than I have in years. Bless you. – Marjorie
This course exceeded my expectations. Jennifer not only supplied assignments which made the process of writing less daunting and more manageable, but her feedback, conversations, and accessibility were insightful and encouraging. By the end of course, I felt like a writer! And I continue to write and develop the techniques and habits which I started through this course. Thank you, Jennifer! —Mary
Talking to Jennifer is like talking to an old, cherished friend who always has your back. This is my first Story Circle Network class but not my last. “Finding YOUR Story Through Therapeutic Writing” is exactly what it implies and the perfect start for me. Jennifer really helped me tear down walls and build confidence. Thank you, Jennifer, I look forward to learning more from you! —Linda
Buckle up!! This is going to be a heck of a ride. Jennifer knows how to weave the missing threads of our stories so that we can create a wonderful picture. Her consistent communication with students and guidance through the assignments is amazing. She is warm, encouraging, and extremely trustworthy. Working with her has brought me to places in my stories that I didn’t know were there. Writing is no longer a fearful trek but a thrilling adventure. Thanks Jennifer! —Janice
Jennifer provided thought-provoking writing prompts that really assisted me in digging deeper, in which case several stories emerged. Jennifer was patient, thoughtful, and supportive. I recommend her class to anyone interested in discovering what stories they have to tell. —Cyndi
The course materials were wonderful, useful and easy to use. Well worth taking the class for. I got some great insights on how to use and write for a blog. And I wrote some things I wouldn’t have considered doing for a blog. It also got me motivated to get going on my blog and to do some other writing. Jennifer’s comments about my writing were wonderfully encouraging and motivating. She made me feel like a writer. Her workbook is concise and workable tool that I’ll refer to often. —Bonnie
Jennifer was very encouraging; one of the most useful parts of this class for me. This class profoundly influenced my approach to writing. Jennifer’s material is not only useful and inspiring, it made me laugh! —Lauren
I will be referring to the workbooks over and over—I really liked how she had the materials prepared and easy to access and read. The quality and quantity of information was so good. It was a lot of information, but that’s what I wanted. She asks such great questions. I’ve been thinking about how to do a blog for a long time and Jennifer’s workbooks and encouragement took me where I needed to go. I wish the class could go on and on. —Margaret
Jennifer’s comments were extremely helpful and welcome. Jennifer has inspired me to become a regular blogger, knowing I have something worthwhile to share and giving me the tools to do it effectively. —Robyn
Jennifer did a great job with the presentation of this course. Very thorough and easy to follow. —Martha
Testimonials for Jennifer’s Presentations and Writings:
“You have inspired me to get out of my shell and go after the life I want to live!!! Take care!!! –Toura
“I never would have had the courage to change my life so radically without your example for inspiration. You are one of the most courageous women I know. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Best of luck on your ongoing life journey. I hope you’re aware of how many women you have already inspired and helped! Best of luck and love to you.” – Julie in PA
“I have read all of your writings and have been so amazed at your strength and endurance. What an inspirational journey yours has been! Your writing is quite powerful.” – Sonja
“You have truly inspired me, you have helped me focus that vague urge in my heart. It will be a few years yet before I can follow that urge, if God allows me the time. But it gives me a focus now, something to really work for.”
“I could write a book about how you’ve inspired me! I’m going to do it or bust! On the 30th I’ll be 60…retired, single again. You have encouraged me to have at least ONE ADVENTURE in this lifetime!” — Judy
“You’ve done something that I’ve always wanted to do. So few people actually carry out their dreams. People like you with the courage to go out and live life on your own terms are what keep me going at night when things seem the worst. Thank you, and again, congratulations.” — K
“You have a gift to move people to speak. Your writing style is captivating, and speaks to many hearts.” – C
“You have a very meaningful vision that will manifest itself and function as a service to women. You are needed in ministry outreach. Believe in your vision because God planted it in your heart to transform your experiences into something special that will help others.” — Carla
“You have tons of courage. Most people don’t even have the courage to look at themselves, examine their life, and live a conscious life. But look at you! You’re examining every aspect of your life to consciously create the beautiful and fulfilling existence that you deserve. You inspire many people, including me.”
“The fact you could feel so down and lost and then see yourself through it is a great confidence builder and I need some of that.” — Glenda
“I appreciate you sharing your struggles, much more riveting than a Pollyanna journey.”
“You’ve learned so much about who you are and pushing yourself to learn more that it’s not only awesome, it’s inspiring.” – J.
“Thank you for having the courage to share your ongoing journey with everyone. You have touched a lot more lives than you realize, inspiring a lot of us to take a chance on doing things differently, and not be afraid to be afraid, just do it.” – Lindy B.
“I am amazed with all that you accomplished!! You are truly an inspiration to others…especially women!” — Kari
“The depth of your honest strength and courage is fuel for the soul” – A.S.
“MAGIC!!! I love it. I get more inspired by you all the time. You’re a princess warrior.”
“WOW! You’re amazing Jenn and, like so many others, I find you inspiring. I’m very grateful that you share with us”
“Jennifer, Your writings have really inspired and helped a lot of women out there. You’re an awesome woman with great and meaningful ambitions. Cheers!” – L. M.
“Like all your fine readers, I also appreciate the stories you shared with us along your journey. You have real talent as a story teller. Now you will have the opportunity and the privilege to help others tell their stories. Gather them. It is who you are. Protect those stories and share the lessons. You do it with insight and humor and that reaches us all. Like your story, they will inspire because we all recognize courageous growth. I applaud you and wish you the best.” — Barbara
“You can remake your life anyway you want at anytime. You’ve proven you have the insight and the courage to do that. Eldridge Cleaver said that if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Jennifer you are definitely part of the solution.” – Kess
“You are a brave and courageous soul! You can’t change the wind that blows you but you can adjust your sails.” – Pam
“I am amazed and in awe of your courage.” — Donna
“You can’t change the past but you can create the future! You’ve gone forth and created a great life. I’m a 42 male but even so your journey has touched my life. You have inspired and helped many people who you will never meet.” – Chris
“I love your writing Jennifer and I hope that you can find the courage to continue sharing your stories with us.”
“I hope you will always write from your heart and share your life’s journey with us. You are an awesome writer and an amazing person, and I salute your courage in facing your fears and pushing on to live your dream.” – Linda
“Humility along with the courage it takes for you to share your experience, strength, and hope has touched my heart.” – Victoria
“I started reading because you were a woman who had the strength and courage to take control of your life. We are inspired by your journey.” Merikay
“Jennifer, I just started reading and think you are wonderful. Hope you keep writing and continue to inspire people.” – Rick
“I love reading what you have to say. Quite often it is thought provoking and other times I just love your humor – the funny humor, your dark side humor – all of it! If the desire is there, I hope you keep writing. For what it’s worth – you’ve inspired me to *DO* things. I’m the kind of person who will wait and wait and wait and then make a move. Sometimes it’s good to wait and do tons of research but the overkill of that can take the fun out of doing things sometimes. So..thanks for just totally opening yourself up to us readers out here. Really. Keep on keepin on Jen.” — Kari
“Peace to you, Chickie. You inspire me” — Roxanne
“Thank you so much for being.” – Sophie
“You’ve taken control and reinvented your life so it is joyful and delicious for you. You deserve to be happy. And you’ve inspired and helped so many others along the way too (including me). I am grateful to have been along on your journey. A few years ago I finally figured out that the life-goal is: ‘peace of mind’ for that is when we truly know that All is Well. I’ll always be out here cheering you on girl!!!” — G.S.
“Your writings have inspired me. You’re quite brave to share so honestly.” — Mark
“I have to say that I admire you greatly for ALL that you have accomplished. I enjoy reading your writings and have been inspired by your journey. Amazing movie material!” — Kerri in AL
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing. and guess what? I’m booked on a cruise to Alaska 8/7, then renting my first RV after the cruise to go inland. you have inspired us all. NOW WHAT?”
“Your willingness to share such intimate information with your readers and the healing that occurred during your journey were amazing.” — Don